Archives Samir-Amin

Cette collection contient tout texte provenant des archives personnelles de l’influent économiste égyptien Samir Amin (1931-2018) : cours, articles, conférences, rapports, etc. Il complète la Bibliothèque numérique Samir-Amin (, disponible sur le site de la Librairie numérique africaine et contenant la cinquantaine de ses livres publiés en français et anglais.


This Collection contains various texts from the personal archives of the influential egyptian economist Samir Amin (1931-2018) : university courses, articles, conferences, reports, etc. It completes the Samir-Amin Digital Library (, available from the site of the African Digital Bookstore, and which contains its 50 or so published books in French and English.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 715
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018It is imperative to reconstruct the Internationale of workers and peoplesAmin, Samir
2018L’Indispensable reconstruction de l'internationale des travailleurs et des peuplesAmin, Samir
1994The empire of chaos: Europe, the South and the 'New World Order'Amin, Samir
1992Samir Amin's maldevelopment: A feminist critiqueHarris, Colette
1975What education for what development?Amin, Samir
1982After the New international economic order: The future of international economic relationsAmin, Samir
1980The ideas of Samir Amin: Theory or tautology?Smith, Sheila
2010-09Technological choices and unemployment benefits in a matching model with heterogenous workersAmin, Samir; Dos Santos, Pedro Lages
2007-06A Life Looking Forward: Memoirs of an Independent Marxist by Samir AminSenghor, Jeggan C.
1998-09The first Babu memorial lectureAmin, Samir
1998La Russie dans le système mondial : Géographie ou histoire ?Amin, Samir
1980Révolution ou décadence? : La crise du système impérialiste contemporain et celle de l'Empire romainAmin, Samir
1976L'agriculture africaine et le capitalisme by Samir AminKayser, B.
1972L'Afrique de l'Ouest bloquée: L'économie politique de la colonisation 1880-1970 by Samir AminKayser, B.
1977Modern migrations in West Africa by Samir AminProthero, R. Mansell
1974Neo-colonialism in West Africa by Samir AminHart, Keith
1971Histoire économique du Congo 1880-1968 by Samir Amin & Catherine Coquery-VidrovitchKonczacki, Zbigniew A.
1976Neo-colonialism in West Africa by Samir AminStryker, Richard E.
1976Le développement inégal. Essai sur les formations sociales du capitalisme périphérique by Samir AminDussault, Paul N.
1999History conceived as an eternal cycleAmin, Samir
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 715