Archives Samir-Amin

Cette collection contient tout texte provenant des archives personnelles de l’influent économiste égyptien Samir Amin (1931-2018) : cours, articles, conférences, rapports, etc. Il complète la Bibliothèque numérique Samir-Amin (, disponible sur le site de la Librairie numérique africaine et contenant la cinquantaine de ses livres publiés en français et anglais.


This Collection contains various texts from the personal archives of the influential egyptian economist Samir Amin (1931-2018) : university courses, articles, conferences, reports, etc. It completes the Samir-Amin Digital Library (, available from the site of the African Digital Bookstore, and which contains its 50 or so published books in French and English.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 715
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1976Modern migration in Western Africa = Les migrations contemporaines en Afrique de l'Ouest by Samir AminCoulon, Christian
1992U.S. Militarism in the New World OrderAmin, Samir
2014Imperialist rent and the challenges for the radical leftAmin, Samir
2014Theory is historyAmin, Samir
1996The challenge of globalizationAmin, Samir
1974Accumulation and development: a theoretical modelAmin, Samir
2006Qu'est-ce que le néolibéralisme ?Amin, Samir; Arrighi, Giovanni; Chesnais, François; Harvey, David; Itoh, Makoto; Katz, Claudio
2011The influence of labour market institutions on job complexityAmin, Samir; Dos Santos, Pedro Lages
2017The october 1917 revolution started off the transformation of the worldAmin, Samir
2017To the memory of Sam MoyoAmin, Samir
1989Delinking : Towards a Polycentric World by Samir AminCalkins, Peter
2015From Bandung (1955) to 2015: Old and new challenges for the States, the nations and the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin AmericaAmin, Samir
1989Against Eurocentrism and Nativism: A review essay on Samir Amin's Eurocentrism and other textsMoghadam, Val
2005Geopolitique de l'Imperialisme ContemporainAmin, Samir
1992-09Maldevelopment: Anatomy of a Global Failure by Samir AminCobbe, James
2014-02-01Debate on capitalism and development: The theories of Samir Amin and Bill WarrenGülap, Haldun
2018Modern imperialism, monopoly finance capital, and Marx’s law of valueAmin, Samir
1974-12Towards a new structural crisis on the capitalist system?Amin, Samir
1977-07Opening address on the occasion of the conference on Africa and the problematics of the futureAmin, Samir
1977-07Discours prononcé par Samir Amin à l'occasion de l'ouverture du colloque sur l'Afrique et la problématique du futurAmin, Samir
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 715