Archives Samir-Amin

Cette collection contient tout texte provenant des archives personnelles de l’influent économiste égyptien Samir Amin (1931-2018) : cours, articles, conférences, rapports, etc. Il complète la Bibliothèque numérique Samir-Amin (, disponible sur le site de la Librairie numérique africaine et contenant la cinquantaine de ses livres publiés en français et anglais.


This Collection contains various texts from the personal archives of the influential egyptian economist Samir Amin (1931-2018) : university courses, articles, conferences, reports, etc. It completes the Samir-Amin Digital Library (, available from the site of the African Digital Bookstore, and which contains its 50 or so published books in French and English.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 715
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1979Reply to Samir AminWeeks, John; Dore, Elizabeth
1992Eurocentrism by Samir AminWorsley, Peter
1987-10Democracy and national strategy in the peripheryAmin, Samir
1983Expansion or crisis of capitalism?Amin
2003El fin de la «globalización feliz»: cede el glamour, se extiende la guerra permanenteDurán, Ramón Fernández; Amin, Samir; Cruz, Manuel
1989Las nuevas formas del movimiento socialAmin, Samir
1985Modes of production, history and unequal developmentAmin, Samir
2013-12Technological choices and labor market participation: Negative income taxAmin, Samir; Dos Santos, Pedro Lages
1996-12Global Restructuring and Peripheral States: The Carrot and the Stick in Mauritania by Mohameden Ould-MeyAmin, Samir
1992On Jim Blaut’s ‘Fourteen ninety-two’Amin, Samir
1976After Nairobi — Preparing the non-aligned summit in ColomboAmin, Samir
1991The ancient world-systems versus the modern capitalist world-systemAmin, Samir
2013Forerunners of the contemporary World: The Paris commune (1871) and the taiping revolution (1851–1864)Amin, Samir
1995-12Africa and the global system disasterAmin, Samir
1992Can environmental problems be subject to economic calculations?Amin, Samir
1990Colonialism and the Rise of Capitalism: A CommentAmin, Samir
2014An interview with Samir AminAmin, Samir; Bush, Ray
1983A reply to Samir AminSmith, Sheila; Sender, John
1979Nieo: How to put third world surpluses to effective useAmin, Samir
1994The future of global polarizationAmin, Samir
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 715