Archives Samir-Amin

Cette collection contient tout texte provenant des archives personnelles de l’influent économiste égyptien Samir Amin (1931-2018) : cours, articles, conférences, rapports, etc. Il complète la Bibliothèque numérique Samir-Amin (, disponible sur le site de la Librairie numérique africaine et contenant la cinquantaine de ses livres publiés en français et anglais.


This Collection contains various texts from the personal archives of the influential egyptian economist Samir Amin (1931-2018) : university courses, articles, conferences, reports, etc. It completes the Samir-Amin Digital Library (, available from the site of the African Digital Bookstore, and which contains its 50 or so published books in French and English.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 715
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003ArrighiAmin, Samir
2008A critical reading of Steve Keen's "Debunking economics" (L'imposture économique)Amin, Samir
2010-04The North/South conflict remains central in the socialist perspectiveAmin, Samir
2010Ending the crisis of capitalism or ending capitalism in crisis?Amin, Samir
9999Russia todayAmin, Samir
1998Russia in the world system: geography or history?Amin, Samir
9999RegionalisationsAmin, Samir
9999Preface: ‘question globalized militarism’Amin, Samir
9999Capitalism, an obsolete system which has become the enemy of humanityAmin, Samir
9999Popular movements to socialism: Their unity and diversityAmin, Samir
2007-12-01Political Islam in the service of ImperialismAmin, Samir
9999Political islamAmin, Samir
9999Political islamAmin, Samir
9999The political economy of the XXth centuryAmin, Samir
9999World poverty, pauperization & capital accumulationAmin, Samir
9999Patterns of Globalization and the Global SouthAmin, Samir
9999The autocratic state versus the challenge posed by modernityAmin, Samir
2014-05-27The revival of the Movement of non-aligned countriesAmin, Samir
2000Economic globalism and political universalism: Conflicting issues ?Amin, Samir
2005Theory and practice of the Chinese "market socialism" project : is "market socialism" an alternative to liberal globalization?Amin, Samir
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 715